Freemasonry v/s Christianity

The Masonic Lodge or the craft or the lodge, their differences in beliefs versus those from the Christians. Seven fundamental beliefs differentiate masons from Christians. Now, who are the masons and what do they believe?


So in the USA, there’s an estimation of about 869,000 to 2 million people that belong to the Masonic Lodge. The global membership is about 6 million. They are represented in at least 20 countries and 14 US presidents have been masons. The origins of freemasonry are likely to be in association with stone masons who built Scottish and English Cathedrals and castles during the Middle Ages. The first grand lodge was established in London England in 1717. The first lodge in America America was established in Boston in 1733. At least nine of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were said to have been masons. George Washington was one of them, and so was Benjamin Franklin. At least 14 to 15 American presidents have been masons. Now other famous masons you


know include musicians like Mozart and authors like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Clark Gable, actor and the head of the FBI Edgar Hoover. Now the Masonic Lodge increased its influence in the USA in about the 1800s establishing several thousand lodges. The Masonic Lodge has developed into Different groupings of the masonic lodge various groupings, call them like denominations. The Blue Lodge is often seen as the oldest lodge and the entry point into the masonry. One must join the Blue Lodge before moving into other lodges. The second one is the York rite and the Scottish rite are the two options that follow the membership in the blue lodge the York rite comes from York England where the early lodge was and the third grouping of the lodge is the Scottish rite. And this one comes from France, not Scotland and it’s the other major branch of Freemasonry.

So the blue lodge, the York rite, and the Scottish rite. When it comes to the initiation and this is where The oaths and initiation process of Freemasonry things get pretty crazy and spooky and demonic as masonry has a close association and connection to Baal. For example, the York rite and the Scottish rite have serious levels of degrees that members need to be initiated into. For example, in the York rite there is a level that’s called Royal Arch decree initiation into this degree involves various rituals including the learning of the lost word which is revealed as Jah-Bul-On on the Jah stands for Jewish God or Roman deity or Jesus. Pretty much kind of the Jah or Jah stands for anything. Jewish God, Roman deity or Jesus.


The Bul stands for Baal and On represents Egyptian god. So pretty much your initiation is learning this lost word which is a combination of all the gods including a Jewish God, Jesus Baal and an Egyptian god together and you’re learning that as your way of being initiated. The other weird part about masonry that you probably have heard is their violent oaths. Those who are initiated, are initiated to various decrees and often they swear violent oaths. For example, binding myself under no less penalty than to have my skull smote off and my brains exposed to the scorching rays of the meridian sun or another oath, binding myself under no less penalty than to have my throat cut across and my tongue torn out by the roots and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea at low-water mark. Pretty brutal and pretty crazy.

7 Fundamental Beliefs That Differentiate Masons from Christians


1. The Uniqueness of God is Denied

Now here are the seven fundamental beliefs that differentiate masons from Christians. The first one is the uniqueness of God. In Freemasonry, the uniqueness of God is denied. Masonry says the gods of the pagan nations are pretty much the same as the God of the Bible. Masonic


writer Albert Pike States Jubelum means that which proceeds or comes from Om and it should be spelled as Jabulon combining Jah from the Hebrew, Baal from Phoenicians and Om from Hindu, showing that these gods are pretty much the same. So the core of their teaching, they’re teaching that the gods of pagan nations are pretty much the same as the Hebrew God.


2. The Uniqueness of Jesus as Messiah is Denied

The second difference is the uniqueness of Jesus as the Messiah. In masonry, that is denied. Masonry teaches that messiahs in all religions are the same. They’re here to inspire hope. Masonic writer Rex in his book, ‘A Bridge to Light’ says, The purpose of teaching the concept of a Messiah in Freemasonry is to point out to its near universality in a well-developed religions of the ancient world. We see references to the gods of the Greeks, the gods of Persians, the gods of Hindus, the gods of Egyptians, and the God, Jesus of the Christians. The purpose of these messiahs in these cultures was to find in human form and this is his quote, a source of intercession with Deity. In particular, one who as a human has been tempted and suffered the daily struggles of life so that he could be expected to possess a particular sympathy and understanding.


In a word, the messiahs expressed hope. The true mason and I quote is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of this lodge that Mason’s religion must be universal. Christ, Buddha or Muhammad, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light, not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, listens to this, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral and realizes with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth. In other words, every way leads to God. Every religion is the same. All messiahs are just trying in human form to inspire hope.


3. Salvation by Faith is Denied

The third difference between Masons and Christians is salvation by faith is denied by Freemasons. Speaking of a stage setting during initiation of the 17th degree Scotch rite masonry illustrated reads, This is supposed to represent the end of the world when all the good masons receive their reward by being conducted to a throne at the right hand of all this deity, having been purified by washing their robes and listen to this, in their blood, meaning, that the masons will be purified by washing their robes in their blood.


Now, it’s very contrary to the Christian faith, which according to Revelation 7:14 The Bible teaches us that we washed our robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, in Jesus’s blood, not our own. We are saved and the Bible says, we are saved through faith by grace, not from good works or not by washing our robes with our blood.


4. Requires Taking Dread Oaths Which is Against the Christian Scriptures

The fourth difference is in Freemasonry, you are required to take oaths which is against Christian scriptures. I’ve already mentioned these oaths. They’re pretty scary. I mean you want to rip your tongue out by its roots, bury your body in the rough sands of


the sea or you know have your brain be scorched with the sun’s rays if you break your oaths. Now compare it to the Bible in James 5:12 which says, But above all, my brethren, do not swear either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No,’ lest you fall into judgment.



5. Denies the Exclusivity of Christian Faith

The fifth difference is Freemasonry denies the exclusivity of the Christian faith. Albert Pike which is Mason’s author said the following, Toleration, holding that every other man has the same right to his opinion and faith that we have to ours. Liberality, holding that no human being can with certainty say, in the clash and conflict of hostile faiths and creeds, what is truth and that he is surely in possession of it. So everyone should feel that it is quite possible that another equally honest and sincere with himself, yet holding the contrary opinion, may himself have the truth and whatever one firmly and conscientiously believes, is truth, to him. In other words, Hey everyone is honest and sincere and if they are, whatever they believe, even if these things clash and contradict, they are the truth to this person and you should respect that. So if 2 + 2 is four for you and you’re sincere, that is your answer but if 2 + 2 is five for you and you are sincere, that is your answer and we respect that meaning, there’s no such thing as right and wrong. It’s all about tolerating and it’s all about relevance and it’s everybody has their truth and everybody’s truth is correct meaning, masonry is tolerant even supportive of the most diverse religious beliefs but you know common sense here. Well, Jesus cannot be the Son of God, the way of salvation the only truth and not be that at the same time.


So Jesus says, I am the way, the truth and life you know that is either correct or not. That is very narrow because He either is the truth or He is not. He didn’t say, I am a truth. He said, I’m the truth and so all other people of religions never claim to be the truth. Some claim to be the seeker of the truth. Some claim to be prophets of the truth and so Christ said that so this idea that every religion is accurate, just goes contrary to common sense and just even if you know you will never apply that in any other sphere of life, taking contradictory things and say, yeah, all of that is still correct and the Bible is sharply against that because it’s not that the Bible is narrow-minded, it’s that there’s only one person who claimed to be perfect, who died, took our sin upon Himself and rose from the dead and so there’s no competition with Jesus because nobody claimed to be perfect and nobody claimed to take the sins of people upon Himself and nobody rose from the dead. Every founder of every religion is still dead and therefore Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, fully human, fully man and fully God. He died for our sins and because of that, we can’t believe all other stuff that contradicts because none of these other guys died for us.

6. Masons Initially Deny they are a Religion

Now, number six. Masons initially deny they are a religion whereas Christian faith consistently recognizes itself for what it is. The religious teaching of the only way to God. Now, yes, we’re not a religion in a sense, we are not about earning our salvation by good works. We are in a relationship but Christianity recognizes itself as teaching people, the only way, the right way to God. Now, here are the statements from masons. Masonry is not a religion. No. Freemasonry is not a religion or a substitute for religion. However, it is an organization of men who all profess a belief in a spiritual or Supreme Being and it includes spiritual or religious elements in its ceremonies. While it is built on the premise that the universe and all life are creations of a deity, Freemasons deal more with man’s relationship with his fellow man than with his relationship with his God.

Another quote from Freemasons. They said, we open and close our lodges with prayer. So they’re saying, it’s not a religion but you know we believe in a deity. We believe in creation and open our lodges with prayer and we invoke the blessing of the Most High upon all our labors. And We demand of our visitors or members, a profession of trusting belief in the existence and superintending care of God and we teach them to bow with humility and reverence at his sacred name, while his holy law is widely opened upon our altars. It is impossible for a Freemason can be true and trustworthy in his order unless he is a respecter of religion and an observer of religious principles. So they are a religion but they claim that they are not. I would say it’s not just a religion, it’s an occult and it’s not just an occult, it’s a demonic system. At first, it may seem like oh it’s not a big deal but when you start doing deliverance and you start coming against these principalities and these demons, this stuff is real. They like to claim that they’re not religious but you know they believe in God. Believe in the immortality of the soul and they also have a system and practices of sacred things. They have decrees and levels which members are initiated into. So by that definition, whether they like to admit it or not, Freemasonry is a religion and it’s a false religion.


7. Freemasonry, in Reality, Teaches That it is the Only True Religion

The seventh difference is Freemasonry in reality teaches that it is the only true religion. At first, it’s like every religion is right. Every God is right. Every messiah is right but I want you to listen to this. Masonry and I quote it is the universal, eternal, immutable religion such as God planted in the heart of universal humanity.

A mason must and I quote, strip from all religions their orthodox tenants, legends, allegories and dogmas. In other words, a mason has a superior insight beyond all the separated religious groups. Masonic poetry was sung at a Masonic baptism. Onward and all earth shall aid us, Ere our peaceful flag is furled, Masonry, at last, shall conquer, And its altar be the world. So religion and conquest are part of their songs.


How to be free from Freemasonry

Now I want to bring this closer to an end on dealing with deliverance from Freemasonry. Yes, not only repentance from Freemason, if you are in Freemasonry, you need to believe Jesus and the gospel and repent. If you maybe are Christian and you’re like, oh it’s not a big deal. I have a membership in Freemasonry and I participate in all the rituals because it’s just an association of business people and we’re just there to focus on charity and we do good things. Respectfully, you are deceived and not only you are deceived, you need to be delivered. Now Reverend Bob Larson is probably one of the best experts in cults and false religions and has done more deliverance than anyone that I know. In his blog and his video, he mentioned this about Freemasonry and he pointed out two things when it comes to deliverance with people or on people dealing with Freemasonry. First, he said that there’s a gruesome oath of death which we’ve heard that initiates that every initiate takes and they bring death upon themselves through their oath that they need to renounce. Secondly, Larson states that he has heard hundreds of people who came out of Freemasonry who had serious sexual immorality and perversion that goes on in the Masonic lodges. Now Larson also states that the demons he has interrogated have boasted of the immoral things done in Freemasonry.


Larson is careful to state that not all lodges have this problem but many do. So as a deliverance minister, you must be aware of issues relating to death and sexual perversion when dealing with Freemasonry. Now Bob Larson has a whole book that I would encourage, I’ll pin the link on Freedom from Freemasonry which deals pretty much with all the points of renouncing Freemasonry and I’m going to mention a few of them from this book as well as what to do if you are coming out of Freemasonry or you’ve been in Freemasonry and you became a Christian or if you are in Freemasonry and you want to come out and become a Christian. Here are some practical things. Number one is you got to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, your only Lord and Savior, okay? Not Jesus and Jesus only. Grace only through faith. Secondly, you got to repent of your past sins including involvement with Freemasonry whether it was out of curiosity, ignorance, or whatever your reasons were. You have to repent of that because it’s a false religion. Number three is you have to renounce all involvement in Freemasonry, any other lodge or craft by your ancestors or yourself meaning, your involvement or any of your ancestors. For example, you have to renounce the mysticism of Freemasonry. You got to renounce the craft of Freemasonry. Also, You have to renounce all the bondage to the antichrist, the stronghold of Freemasonry and the book of the constitution that is given to Freemasons. You have to renounce the lie that a Freemason is free because every lodge member is under spiritual bondage. And you have to renounce all the fears that held you and your ancestors in Freemasonry. You got to renounce every position you or your ancestors held in the lodge. Renounce calling any man master. renounce the effects of


Freemasonry was passed on to you through any female ancestor who felt distrusted or rejected by her husband as he entered. And attended any lodge and refused to tell her of his secret activities. You have to renounce all the obligations, oaths and curses. Also have to renounce the master mason certificate. You got to renounce the curse that came through opening doors to false religions including New Age, mysticism, and seduction to other faiths. You got to also renounce your ties to all false religions bonded to Freemasonry through you know Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Mormonism and all other religions. So there are so many more things and I would just encourage you if you’ve been in Freemasonry, I will attach the book. Just download it, take it layer by layer, and renounce those things so that you can be free from them. Now some of you may say well, I just repented. I don’t need to renounce that but if you made pledges, if you made oaths, if you wrote things and you kind of went into that deep end, you got to renounce that. The Bible says to renounce the hidden things of shame.


I like what one pastor mentioned about renouncing when you repent you know it’s kind of like you delete the Netflix app. Let’s say you’re trying to get rid of Netflix. You deleted the app but when you renounce, it’s like you unsubscribe. The reason why renouncing is important is because in these religions, these cults when you go in, you pledge things. You sign things and you get initiated into things. You don’t just get out when you’re like oh yeah, I’m done with it. Well, you might be done. They’re not done with you so you have to renounce those things now one more thing, I want to mention not only do you have to renounce is you also have to remove all symbols, items objects and literature that connect you to Freemasonry and lastly, recommit your life to living for Jesus 100% So if you’ve been in Freemasonry, Hey repent, renounce, remove things and recommit your life to Jesus. If you are in Freemasonry, you have to get out because you are on the false path. There’s no other name given unto man by which we can be saved and that name is Jesus. You think you are free but you are not free because you are bound and you are deceived. You probably have good intentions. Please understand, that you can have good intentions going in the wrong direction. Jesus is the only way. He died for your sins. He’s the only one that is qualified to be your Savior. Only one that claimed to be perfect. Born out of virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, did not die for His sins but for yours even the guy that was crucifying Him and signed His crucifixion said, I am innocent of this Man’s blood meaning, Jesus was innocent. The guy that betrayed Him, Judas claimed that I betrayed innocent blood.

Final thoughts

The Roman centurion who was standing and watching this whole thing said, this Man was a Son of God. So Jesus is who He claimed to be and if you don’t believe that, go find His tomb, it is empty because Jesus is the Son of God and salvation is only by trusting in Him. So place your trust in Jesus. Repent of Freemasonry. Renounce that and follow the Lord and He will bless you.


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